Session Recordings
S1Cracking the code for gender health equity
S3A European Semester on health?
S2Unlocking EU investment potential for health
S4Navigating a digital childhood as generation 'Like'
S5Empowering global health innovation in the European Union
S6Enhancing care delivery through digital innovation
S7An unhealthy profit – tackling obstacles to achieving the NCD targets
S8Are decision-makers ready for participation?
S10Collaborating for health workforce excellence
S9Health systems regeneration
P1Democracy and health at the crossroads of Europe's future
S11Promoting brain health for everyone
S13Reaching for the Clouds – can the EHDS deliver on its high ambitions?
S14Safeguarding civil society participation in health policymaking
S15Is the AI Act a gamechanger for healthcare?
S16Healthier patient: greener patient
S17Not lowering our guard for the next pandemic - A multi-sectoral One Health approach to preparedness
S18The digital transformation of healthcare in Europe
S19Renewing the social contract in Europe
P2Democracy and the demographic transition
S20Access to critical medicines across Europe
S21Digitalising palliative cancer care
S22Health in a time of war - reforms, resilience and recovery in Ukraine
S23Europe’s unhealthy and unjust food systems
S24Strengthening health systems resilience by exploring recent responses to migration
S25Why tackling chronic disease is a priority for Europe
P3Democracy at work - the European Health Data Space from concept to reality